304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

EMU 5.0: Micro-services framework & scheduling features

EMU 5.0 adds micro-services framework, scheduling features along with improvements to the functionality of the platform to enrich the management and provisioning of the BroadWorks platform.


Micro-services framework

Enhanced support for JSON output when using API calls

Support for JSON input when using API calls

Improvement in HSS modules

API support Micro-services framework


New EMU function – Sheduld Tasks framework


Transform EMU files between supported types


File Repository restore enhancmenets


Improvement in Group migration functionality

About EMU

EMU is an Extraction, Manipulation and Update (EMU) platform for Cloud UC developed by BroadSource and specialising in the BroadWorks™ platform. With just one click, Service Providers can:

  • EXTRACT every piece of information from their BroadWorks™ environment to audit, analyse or backup customer group configurations
  • MANIPULATE thousands of configuration attributes in seconds, preparing for migrations
  • UPDATE, en masse, configuration settings, saving hundreds of ‘clicks’ and many hours